Pierce's Disease Research Symposium Proceedings - 2007
Host Plant Preference and Natural Infectivity of Insect Vectors of Xylella fastidiosa on Common Weeds and Crop Plants
Project Leader: Kent Daane
Exploration for Biological Control Agents in the Native Range of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Project Leaders: John Goolsby
Determining the Day-Degree Requirements for Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Development and Quantification of Demographic Statistics at Five Temperatures
Project Leader: Mark Hoddle
Expressed Sequence Tags from the Black-winged Sharpshooter: Application to Biology and Vector Control
Project Leaders: Wayne B. Hunter
Genomic Sequencing, Discovery, and Characterization of Viral Pathogens in the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Project Leader: Wayne B. Hunter
Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression and Diapause in the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Principal Leaders: Wayne B. Hunter
Protein Identities from Graphocephala atropunctata Expressed Sequence Tags: Expanding Leafhopper Vector Biology
Project Leaders: Wayne B. Hunter
Spatial Population Dynamics and Overwintering Biology of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter in California's San Joaquin Valley
Project Leader: Marshall Johnson, Kent Daane, Russell Groves and Elaine Backus
Assessing the Post-Winter Threat of Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Populations
Project Leaders: Marshall Johnson, Kris Lynn-Patterson, Mark Sisterson and Russell Groves
Dispersal and Movement of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter and Associated Natural Enemies in a Continuous Deficit-Irrigated Agricultural Landscape
Project Leaders: Rodrigo Krugner, Russell L. Groves, Marshall W. Johnson, Hannah Nadel, James Hagler, and Drake C. Stenger
Cold Storage of the Adult Stage of Gonatocerus ashmeadi: The Impact on Maternal and Progeny Quality
Project Leader: Roger A. Leopold
Xylem Specialists Colonizing Texas Vineyards: Abundance and Distribution Studied Through Generalized Additive Models
Project Leader: Forrest Mitchell and Isabelle Lauziere
Improved Detection, Monitoring, and Management of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Project Leader: Russell F. Mizell III and Peter C. Andersen
Seasonal Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa by the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter from Grapevines Infected for Various Lengths of Time
Principal Investigators: Thomas M. Perring
Against the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter and Preparing and Submitting for Publication a Pictorial Annotated Key to the Ater-Group Species of Gonatocerus î º Egg Parasitoids of the Proconiine Sharpshooters in the Neotropical Region
Project Leaders: Serguei V. Triapitsyn
Survey of Leafhoppers on Grapes in the Piedmont and Mountain Regions of North Carolina
Project Leader: Raul Villanueva, Turner Sutton, and George Kennedy
Importation of Parasitoids of Homalodisca and Other Proconiini Genera from Northwestern Mexico for Biological Control of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Project Leaders: Julio Bernal, Agustin Castillo, and Roman Rakitov
Evaluation of the Impact of Neonicotinoid Insecticides on the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter and Its Egg Parasitoids
Project Leaders: Frank J. Byrne
Progress on Resolving the Gonatocerus tuberculifemur Complex: Neither COI nor ITS2 Sequence Data Alone Can Discriminate All the Species Within the Complex Whereas ISSR-PCR DNA Fingerprinting Can
Project Leader: Jesse H. de Leon, Guillermo A. Logarzo, and Serguei V. Triapitsyn
Development of Molecular Markers Toward Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (GWSS) Egg Parasitoids to Aid in Both Identifying Key Predators of the GWSS Egg Stage and in Taxonomic Identifications
Project Leader: Jesse H. de Leon, James R. Hagler, and Marshall Johnson
Evaluation of Molecular Markers for Discriminating Gonatocerus morrilli: A Biological Control Agent Imported from the Origin of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Principal Investigators: Jesse H. de Leon and David J.W. Morgan
RNA-Interference and Control of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter and Other Leafhopper Vectors of Pierce's Disease
Project Leaders: Bryce W. Falk, Mysore R. Sudarshana, and Michael Parrella
Should Neoclassical Biological Control Agents from Argentina Be Released in California for Control of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter?
Project Director: Mark Hoddle and Nic Irvin
The Anagrus epos Complex: A Likely Source of Effective Classical Biological Agents for Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Control
Project Leaders: Joseph Morse and Richard Stouthamer
Laboratory and Field Evaluations of Neonicotinoid Insecticides Against the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter
Project Leaders: Nick C. Toscano, Frank J. Byrne, and Ed Weber
Riverside County Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Area-Wide Management Program in the Coachella and Temecula Valleys
Principal Investigator: Nick C. Toscano and Carmen Gispert
Biology of the Xylella fastidiosa-Vector Interface
Principal Investigators: Rodrigo Almeida
Evolution of Xylella fastidiosa Avirulence
Project Leaders: Rodrigo Almeida
Modeling Sharpshooter Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa
Project Leader: Rodrigo Almeida
Feeding Behaviors of the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter That Control Inoculation of Xylella fastidiosa
Project Leader: Elaine Backus
Beta-1, 4 Glucanase in Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Saliva and Its Possible Role in Infection and Movement of Xylella fastidiosa
Principal Investigator: Elaine A. Backus and John M. Labavitch
The Roles That Different Pili Classes in Xylella fastidiosa Play in Colonization of Grapevines and Pierce’s Disease Pathogenesis: Chemosensory Cluster Controlling Twitching Motility
Project Leaders: Thomas J. Burr and Harvey C. Hoch
Seasonal Behavior of Xylella fastidiosa Causing Almond Leaf Scorch Disease Under Field Conditions and Detection of the Bacteria by Means of Array-PCR
Project Leader: Jianchi Chen
Characterization of Regulatory Pathways in Xylella fastidiosa: Genes and Phenotypes Controlled by GacA
Project Leader: Donald A. Cooksey
Understanding Control of Xylella fastidiosa Cell Aggregation: Importance in Colonization and Biofilm Development in Grapevine and Sharpshooter Foregut
Project Leaders: Harvey C. Hoch and Thomas J. Burr
The Role of Type V Secretion Autotransporters in the Virulence of Xylella fastidiosa
Project Leaders: Michelle M. Igo
Hierarchical Analysis and Diversity Studies of Xylella fastidiosa Populations in California by Multi-Locus Simple Sequence Repeat Markers
Project Leaders: Hong Lin
Assessment of the Process of Movement of Xylella fastidiosa within Susceptible and Resistant Grape Varieties
Project Leader: Steve Lindow
Management of Pierce's Disease of Grape by Interfering with Cell-Cell Communication in Xylella fastidiosa
Project Leaders: Steve Lindow
Initial Genetic Analysis of Xylella fastidiosa in Texas
Project Leader: Lisa D. Morano and Blake R. Bextine
Plasmid Addiction as a Novel Approach to Develop a Stable Plasmid Vector for Xylella fastidiosa
Project Leader: Glenn M. Young and Michele Igo
The Iron Stimulon of Xylella fastidiosa Includes Genes for Type IV Pilus and Colicin V-Like Bacteriocins
Project Leaders: Paulo A. Zaini and Aline Maria de Silva
An Analysis of C-Di-GMP Signaling in Xylella fastidiosa Virulence
Project Leaders: David Appel and Paul de Figueiredo
Exploiting Xylella fastidiosa Proteins for Pierce's Disease Control
Project Leaders: George Bruening and Edwin Civerolo
Grape Rootstock Variety Influence on Pierce's Disease Symptoms in Chardonnay
Project Leaders: Peter Cousins and John Goolsby
Effects of Xylella fastidiosa Group Almond Cultivar and Climate on the Establishment and Persistence of Infections Causing Almond Leaf Scorch
Project Leaders: Kent Daane
Evaluation of Signal Sequences for the Delivery of Transgene Products into the Xylem of Grapevine
Project Leaders: Abhaya M. Dandekar
Ground Vegetation Surveys to Determine Reservoir Hosts of Xylella fastidiosa in North Carolina
Project Leaders: Leah E. Floyd and Turner B. Sutton
Role of Type I Secretion in Pierce's Disease
Project Leaders: Dean W. Gabriel
Manipulation of Endophytic Bacteria for Symbiotic Control of Xylella fastidiosa Causal Agent of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis
Project Leaders: Claudia Santos Gai, Paulo Teixeira Lacava, Welington Luiz Araujo, and Joao Lucio Azevedo
Environmentally Created Immunity Against Pierce's Disease
Project Leaders: David Harshman, Arinder K. Arora, and Thomas A. Miller
Seasonal Appearance of Xylella in Vineyards and Control of Pierce's Disease in Southern California
Project Leaders: Barry L. Hill and Thomas A. Miller
Biological Control of Pierce's Disease of Grapevine with Benign Strains of Xylella fastidiosa Subsp. piercei
Project Leaders: Donald L. Hopkins
Evaluation of Grapevine Endophytic Bacteria for Control of Pierce's Disease
Project Leaders: Bruce Kirkpatrick
Identification of Mechanisms Mediating Cold Therapy of Xylella fastidiosa Infected Grapevines
Project Leaders: Bruce Kirkpatrick
Inhibition of Xylella fastidiosa Polygalacturonase to Produce Pierce's Disease Resistant Grapevines
Project Leaders: Bruce Kirkpatrick
Isolation, Characterization and Genetic Manipulation of Xylella fastidiosa Hemagglutinin Genes
Project Leaders: Bruce Kirkpatrick and Michele Igo
Native Secretion Systems for the Grapevine Endophyte Pantoea agglomerans Useful for the Delivery of Anti- Xylella Effector Proteins
Project Leaders: David Lampe
Examination of Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Entry Points of a High-Risk Vineyard in the Temecula Valley
Project Leaders: Thomas A. Miller
Finding Pierce's Disease Infected Vines in Large Vineyards: A Proposed Pierce's Disease Sampling Program
Project Leaders: Thomas M. Perring
Assays of Texas Vineyard Soils for Effects on Pierce’s Disease of Grape
Project Leaders: Mark C. Black and James S. Kamas
Role of Alfalfa in the Epidemiology of Xylella fastidiosa in California
Project Leaders: Rodrigo Almeida
Significance of Riparian Plants in the Epidemiology of Pierce's Disease
Project Leaders: Kendra Baumgartner
Enabling Technologies for Grape Transformation
Project Leaders: Alan B. Bennett
Support for the Management of Intellectual Property within the Pierce's Disease Research Initiative and Research Community
Project Leaders: Alan B. Bennett
Functional Testing and Characterization of Pierce's Disease Induced Promoters from Grape
Project Leaders: David Gilchrist
Resistance to Pierce's Disease by Transgenic Expression of Plant-Derived Anti-Apoptotic Genes
Project Leaders: David Gilchrist and James Lincoln
The Pit Membrane Barrier to Xylella fastidiosa Movement in Grapevines: Biochemical and Physiological Analysis
Project Leaders: John Labavitch
Microarray Analysis of Global Gene Expression of Vitis vinifera in Response to Xylella fastidiosa Infection
Project Leaders: Hong Lin
Endophytic Bacterial Populations in Grapevines Resistant to Pierce's Disease of Grapevine
Project Leaders: Thomas A. Miller and Jennifer Parker
Xylella fastidiosa Transmission by Glassy-winged Sharpshooters and Smoketree Sharpshooters from Alternate Hosts to Grapevines
Project Leaders: Thomas M. Perring
Breeding Pierce's Disease Resistant Table and Raisin Grapes and the Development of Markers for Additional Sources of Resistance
Project Leaders: David W. Ramming and Andrew Walker
Mechanisms of Pierce's Disease Transmission in Grapevines: The Xylem Pathways and Movement of Xylella fastidiosa. Comparison of the Xylem Structure of Susceptible/Tolerant Grapevines and Alternate Plant Hosts
Project Leaders: Thomas L. Rost and Mark A. Matthews
Assessing the Potential of Forage Alfalfa Crops to Serve as Xylella fastidiosa Primary Inoculum Sources in the San Joaquin Valley
Project Leaders: Mark Sisterson, Russell Groves, Kent Daane, and Shyamala Thammiraju
Map-Based Identification and Positional Cloning of Xylella fastidiosa Resistance Genes from Known Sources of Pierce's Disease Resistance in Grape
Project Leaders: Andrew Walker and Summaira Riaz
Breeding Pierce's Disease Resistant Winegrapes
Project Leaders: Andrew Walker and Alan Tenscher
In Vitro Study of the Effects of Grape Xylem Saps and Cell-Wall Constituents on Growth and Virulence- Related Gene Expression of Xylella fastidiosa
Project Leaders: Davis Chen and Hong Lin