Documents regarding the November 15-16, 2001 Meeting on Access to Public-Sector Technology for Minor and Subsistence Crops held in New York, NY.
Intellectual Property and the Public Sector: Opportunities for Agricultural Biotechnology (Alan Bennett, OTT, University of California)
[2802k Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation]
[608k Adobe Portable Document Format]
Overview of the Implications of Intellectual Property Rights on Agricultural Research for the United States and Developing Countries -- Challenges and Opportunities (Gary Toenniessen, The Rockefeller Foundation)
[78k Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation]
[31k Adobe Portable Document Format]
Technology Access for Minor and Subsistence Crops (Robert Goodman, The McKnight Foundation)
[112k Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation]
[193k Adobe Portable Document Format]
Intellectual Property in Agricultural Biotechnology: Fueling the Fire or Smothering the Flame (Alan Bennett and Greg Graff, OTT, University of California)
[4754k Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation]
[516k Adobe Portable Document Format]
IP and the Int’l Ag Research System -- An Opportunity for Universities and Research Institutes to Address Food Security Needs (Gary Toenniessen, The Rockefeller Foundation)
[124k Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation]
[46k Adobe Portable Document Format]
Examples of Contract Clauses to Reserve IP Rights for Humanitarian Purposes -- (The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center)
[7k Adobe Portable Document Format]