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PIPRA’s Winter 2007 quarter newsletter:
Click to Download- Newsletter-Issue 7-Winter 2007

PIPRA and MIHR announce the release of our new IP Handbook at BIO 2007 in Boston on May 6. View the press release. For more information on the IP Handbook or to place an order, visit www.IPhandbook.org

The beta version of the PIPRA agricultural IP database is now on-line for public access.  Please visit it at: http://pipra.m-cam.com.  Over 6600 patents and patent applications from 45 different countries are now searchable by many fields, including licensing status.  The data represent the agricultural portfolio of 27 universities and non-profit research institutions.

PIPRA and McGill University’s Centre for Intellectual Property Policy have signed an MOU and look forward to future work together. In addition to our members, PIPRA has a broad network of affiliated institutions that provide a strong base for collaborative activities.

To download PIPRA’s inter-institutional Memorandum of Understanding click here.

Humanitarian Use Reservation of Rights Licensing Language

PIPRA's members and our pro bono attorneys at Morrison and Foerster, have collaboratively developed licensing language for a humanitarian use reservation of rights. We welcome comments and queries regarding the language and encourage its widespread adoption among technology transfer professionals.

Membership Expanded to 45 Universities and Non-Profit Institutions in 13 countries

PIPRA's membership continues to grow, both within the United States, and internationally. A full list of PIPRA members and our Memorandum of Understanding can be found on the participants page. PIPRA membership is open to universities and non-profit research institutions. For more information on joining PIPRA, please contact Sara Boettiger by phone (530-754-6725) or email.

Development of Plant Transformation Vector with Maximal FTO

PIPRA is facilitating the design, construction, and testing of a plant transformation vector with maximal freedom-to-operate. PIPRA staff, a working group of leading plant transformation scientists, and PIPRA's pro bono attorneys are working together to create a vector with as many components as possible from the public domain or owned by PIPRA members with known licensing terms. The vector will be distributed on a royalty-free basis for humanitarian uses.

Participating Institution's
Office of Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Management Office:


  1. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  2. Arizona State University
  3. AVRDC: The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan
  4. Barwale Foundation
  5. Birla Institute of Technology, India
  6. Boyce Thompson Institute
  7. China Agricultural University, China
  8. Cornell University
  9. CIMMYT, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Mexico
  10. Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
  11. Fundacion Chile
  12. Hanoi Agricultural University, Vietnam
  13. Institute of Agricultural Genetics, Vietnam
  14. International Potato Center (CIP), Peru
  15. Iowa State University
  16. IRRI, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines
  17. Kansas State University
  18. Michigan State University
  19. North Carolina State University
  20. Ohio State University
  21. Oregon State University
  22. Parco Tecnologico Padano, Italy
  23. Purdue University
  24. Rutgers University
  25. Salk Institute for Biological Studies
  26. St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  27. Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
  28. University of Arizona
  29. University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
  30. University of California, Berkeley
  31. University of California, Davis
  32. University of California, Riverside
  33. University of Florida
  34. University of Georgia
  35. University of Kentucky
  36. University of Idaho
  37. University of Minnesota
  38. University of Missouri-Columbia
  39. University of Saskatchewan, Canada
  40. University of Tennessee
  41. University of Wisconsin WARF
  42. Virginia Tech
  43. Washington State University