Our network includes more than 50 institutions from over 15 countries around the world. Many of these members are universities and other public sector research institutions, while others are philanthropic organizations, policy think tanks, NGOs, and pro bono legal service providers.
We welcome new collaborators, with whom PIPRA can work to complement, rather than duplicate the services members already provide. For instance, many of PIPRA’s institutional members have active independent technology transfer programs. We support these partners by helping to build awareness of the role that IP plays in the public sector research and technology transfer process, and capacity building so that these institutions can increase their impact, to support regional and national development objectives.
Membership in the PIPRA network is open to any university, public agency, or non-profit research institution actively engaged in research. If your institution is interested in joining us, we ask that you support PIPRA’s mission and agree to the terms laid out in the PIPRA Memorandum of Understanding.
There is no fee to become a member of the PIPRA network. Membership does not prescribe particular IP management practices. Nor does it preclude a research institution from securing external IP management services. PIPRA members retain full ownership and responsibility for their institution’s intellectual property. In the event that a network member is interested in one or more of PIPRA’s services, options for financing the project(s) will be explored at that time.
For more information about joining the PIPRA network,
Contact Us.
PIPRA acknowledges the generous support of its donors and funding partners, including: