Events Overview

Upcoming Events

Gestión de las Obtenciones Vegetales para el Desarrollo


Difundir la importancia del uso de la Propiedad Intelectual en Variedades Vegetales respecto a la Transferencia de Tecnología, para el desarrollo end&oac; ...more

UC Davis

Licensing Academy: Intelectual Property and Technology Transfer

This two-week course will cover topics such as U.S. and international frameworks for IP protection, IP management for technology commercialization, licensing, IP issues in negotiating international agreements, creating offices for IP management and technology transfer, and launching start-up ...more

Licensing Academy Registration

Technology Transfer in the Universities

Speaker: Monica Alandete-Saez

Ogranizers: Cuban Office of Intellectual Property (OCPI) and University of La Habana


Challenges of Intellectual Property

Speaker: Dr. Monica Alandete-Saez

Organizer: Cuban Office of Intellectual Property (OCPI)

WIPO Round Table on Patents and their Impact on Innovation

Title: The Patent System as an Incentive to Innovation in Particular Fields of Technology:  The case of the Agricultural Industry.

Speaker: Dr Monica Alandete-Saez

WIPO Patent Workshop on Practical Aspects of Patent Applications for the industry, University Researchers and Patent Agents

Title: The importance of a Prior Art and Freedom to Operate Searches

Speaker: Dr. Monica Alandete-Saez

WIPO National Seminar on Patents and their Impact on Innovation

Title: The Patent System as an Incentive to Innovation in Particular Fields of Technology:  The case of the Agricultural Industry.

Title: The Patent System as a Mechanism for ...more

Extension for PIPRA scholarship application deadline to attend the Licensing Academy -- April 15th, 2016

The 6th Edition of the course “

Seed Central

Speaker: Michael Gumina, Global CEO, RiceTec AG


Application to the 6th Edition of "Licensing Academy: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer™"

The 6th Edition of the course “Licensing Academy: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer™” - taught in English- will be held June 20 to July 1, 2016 at the UC Davis campus. The Licensing Academy is co-or ...more

Application to the 3rd Edition of the course "Academia de Transferencia y Comercialización de Tecnología para las Américas”

The 3rd Edition of the course "Academia de Licenciamiento” - taught in Spanish- will be held from March 1 to 11, 2016, in LaPaz, México. The ...more